Example command line usage

The installation process of autoscrub automatically creates a command line utility for you to use. Here we will show examples of the most common usage. To see the full set of available commands and options run autoscrub --help from a terminal or look in the Command line usage reference documentation.


The most common command you will use is autoscrub autoprocess. The autoprocess command accepts a variety of options, however they have been preconfigured with sensible defaults that will suit many users.

To use the default options, run (replace paths as appropriate):

autoscrub autoprocess /path/to/input/file.mp4 /path/to/output/file.mp4

The most common options you are likely to want to adjust are:

  • -d (or --silence-duration): This specifies the minimum length that autoscrub will use in detecting a silent segment (which will be sped up). Silent segments of audio that are shorter than this time will not be sped up. Adjust this to match your presentation style.
  • -t (or --target-threshold): This specifies the audio level used to determine whether there is silence or not. If the audio is below this level, for at least the length of time specified by --silence-duration, then autoscrub will speed up this segment. Adjust this to compensate for a noisy background or quite speaking volume. The units are specified in decibels (dB).

Here we specify custom values for both these options (5 second silent duration, -20dB silence threshold) as an example:

autoscrub autoprocess -d 5 -t -20 /path/to/input/file.mp4 /path/to/output/file.mp4

To see all available options for autoprocess, run:

autoscrub autoprocess --help